Privacy Notice

According to the EU general data protection regulation (GDPR), all individuals have the right to control over their personal data. Personal data can be everything from an ID number to an e-mail adress or a picture of you.

I keep all personal data that I have on file secure according to industry standards. In general, I only store e-mail addresses and names, and I never store them longer than necessary. What's necessary can vary from case to case – if you have sent me an e-mail, please be assured that I regularly delete old e-mails. If you have sent me material in connection to a job, or I have sent you an invoice in connection to a job, I may archive that material, your invoicing details and the invoice (which may include your personal details) for a certain number of years according to Swedish law (Bokföringslagen). In this case, I follow the law on storing invoices.

This notice may be changed so please check back as necessary.

GDPR grants certain rights to individuals, such as the right to access, removal and correction of personal data. If you have any questions about what information about you I store, want me to delete that data or correct it, please e-mail me ( and I will fix this as soon as possible, maximum within a month. Read more about GDPR here

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